There is a lack of knowledge about how to develop and scale up effective behaviour change programmes for digital communities in low and middle-income markets, as well as how to harness existing social networks to drive digital behaviour change interventions and how to target key influencers in the community to scale digital programmes and businesses more quickly.
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) is a world leader in social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) for public health. With funding from TRANSFORM, it ran a research project called Best Practices for Scaling Digital Behaviour Change. The project delivered insights and best practice on the use of online and offline communities to drive market-based behaviour change in low- and middle-income countries.
TRANSFORM provided additional funding for an ongoing research project which aims to expand knowledge around how new behaviours spread and diffuse throughout a community and through social networks. This programme will develop tools to help implementers assess the status of desired behaviours, identify and understand social networks and systems, and provide tools that determine which approaches are the most effective to promote behaviour change among specific segments of society.
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