Previous research by Busara and others has revealed that within the informal sector, fully digital touch points are often insufficient in encouraging a transition to digital tool usage. For a new product such as Duka+, gaining insight into the experience and perspective of early app adopters is crucial to inform the route to product scale. Understanding how to build trust and advocacy for product use is key when rolling out any digital tool.
4R Digital and TRANSFORM commissioned Busara to run workshops with Duka+ pilot participants to gain perspective into early app usage and to identify areas for product and service improvement. The research looked at which factors affect uptake, exploring how these factors vary based on gender, experience and size of business. The workshops also investigated levels of understanding of the Duka+ concept, digging deep into how duka owners could usefully leverage the flexible Duka+ line of credit, and how the key behavioural driver in the app, the “Duka+ Plus Points” are understood.
The research identified relevant behavioural science principles that could be incorporated into Duka+, such as triggers and reminders, visual information and message framing. Journey mapping was also used to help inform potential improvements to the Duka+ model.
In particular, the research examined how the product considered and addressed the unique needs and preferences of female merchants. It also gathered insights on the extent to which Duka+ can be competitive with other credit offers commonly utilised by informal retailers, as well as whether or not Duka+ effectively saves time for merchants.
The research output generated by Busara fed directly into the 4R Digital product development roadmap for Duka+. Today, the Duka+ pilot has seen a 15 percent uptick in sales for pilot participants and is looking to expand product research in the next phase.
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