Wild Enterprise

WILDENTERPRISE is a sustainability innovation company, established to realise green economy-based opportunities arising in South Africa

Southern Water

Southern Water is a public water and sanitation utility in Zambia and is 1 of the utilities taking part in the TRANSFORM Utilities Challenge

Kidame Mart

Kidame Mart is empowering rural female entrepreneurs to provide last-mile distribution of high impact and fast-moving consumer goods.


Loowatt develops safe, close-looped sanitation solutions to provide a high-quality service to underserved households in Madagascar.


ENVenture empowers rural community-based organisations in Uganda to launch sustainable enterprises selling high-impact clean energy products

Pit Vidura

Pit Vidura is a sanitation logistics company that provides safe faecal waste removal and transport services for urban households in Rwanda


Kasha is a widely-accessible mobile e-commerce and content platform in Rwanda that sells and delivers women’s health and care products


DoctHERS upskills, equips and deploys technology-enabled front-line female Health Workers in rural villages.

Naija Care

NaijaCare is a digital community of PPMVs developed to improve the PPMVs' business as well as their service delivery to their customers